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Novak - Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology - University of Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
  • publish date 1978
  • ISBN 978-88-212-0725-9
  • Code Piccin
  • Pages 422

Franc Novak, the continuer, innovator and masterful representative of the major European Schools, Head of the Obstetrical Clinic of Ljubljana University, proves himself in this work also a great teacher, which can not always be said of “the great” of surgery. Novak takes the reader by the hand, and leads him step-by-step through each time of the operation, explaining in detail the surgical technique. But first, he dwells on the rational basis of the intervention, its indications and aims, on the most up-to-date and tried criteria for the choice of the technique. Thus chapters such as those covering Schauta's operation are rare patterns of methodological presentation, which result from a deep knowledge, achieved in years of personal experiences. The same applies to the chapters on Wertheim's operation (in which the concept of radicality and the efforts to respect the integrity of the urether are emphasized), and on the technique of creating a new sigmoid vagina. The author is also supported by the wonderful, most explanatory drawings. This is indeed a book for specialists, and it is essential for gynecological surgeons.

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