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Bone and soft tissue tumors. Clinical features, imaging, pathology and treatment (Nuova edizione)


273,72 €

  • publish date 1999
  • ISBN 978-88-299-1141-7
  • Code Piccin 0301520
  • Pages 1320

Dalla presentazione

The first English edition of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors appeared in 1990. This was a translation, although up-dated, of a previous book published in Italian in 1986.

This second English edition, on he contrary, is an entirely new book ... This edition infact has been thoroughly rewritten, from the first to the last word. About 30% of the pictures are new.

The new book incorporates the accumulated personal experience of the Author, covering over 2000 inpatients and many more outpatients, the perusal of the literature of the last 10 years, the recent developments in imaging (particularly MRI), microscopic diagnosis (especially immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy) and the ultimate progress in surgical and non surgical treatment modalities.

We have followed, for each tumor or tumor-like lesion, the rule of starting the study in the outpatient clinic and hospital wards (clinical findings and imaging), continuing it at the operating table and on the entire and cross-sectioned resected specimen (gross surgical pathology), then at the microscope (histopathology), and finally reviewing the long-term results of surgical and combined surgical + local and/or general adjuvant therapies. All these observations are substantially based on the personal experience of the Author.

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